About Solidum Partners


Solidum Partners AG is an independent investment management company specialised in and exclusively dedicated to insurance linked securities (ILS). Based in Zurich, Switzerland, a global centre of reinsurance and ILS, the company offers advisory and portfolio management services for investments in this emerging asset class and manages UCITS funds that are licensed for public distribution in various countries as well as alternative investments funds aimed at institutional investors.

Solidum Partners is regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and authorised as an asset manager of collective investment schemes.

Founded in 2004, the company is managed by its partners since a management buyout in 2006. With team stability and product history reaching thus far back, Solidum Partners sports the longest team-track record of ILS managers in Continental Europe. Solidum Partners' management team consists of reinsurance experts with an average of 20 years industry experience in underwriting, actuarial and risk modelling.

The company has a history of innovation leadership in the ILS market. Having structured the first 'cat bond lite', successfully concluded the first workout of a distressed cat bond and implemented the ILS Blockchain as a settlement infrastructure for securitised reinsurance contracts, Solidum Partners aims at enhancing investor benefit by pushing the boundaries of the ILS market.